Monday, November 8, 2010

Three Months!

George is such a good baby. Here's what he's been up to:

-Every once in while I can get him to giggle really loud, which is just the cutest thing ever.
-He still loves to cuddle, which is one of my favorite things too.
-He has grown out of all of his 3 month old sleepers.
-He no longer has chicken legs, just a bunch of rolls.
-He coos at people he loves.
-He grunts in his sleep.
-He grunts when he's awake.
-And he does like it when his clothes don't have poop on them, so he has a blow out diaper at least once a day.

He's a keeper!


Newton said...

George is SO cute! Pretty sure if Mary Alice knew any better she'd have a crush on him! ...I can't believe he's three months old already! I love his adorable smile!

melissa ( : said...

Can't WAIT to see him!